I must TELL you...what guides my understanding of truth and helps me decide right from wrong. When I’m faced with a decision to do something, participate in an activity, or even form an opinion…I have a yardstick of truth to help measure out my reasoning. Things I was taught years ago by my loving Mother. (My mother used little measures to remind me of right and wrong when I was a toddler--changes in her voice to alert me, picking me up and moving me to another part of the room, or little pops on the tops of my hands to catch my attention when I was independent and not wanting to listen…when I was veering off “her path” of expectation. She always KEPT AN EYE on me.)
What got me thinking of this topic was my newest project…my SHOW for this week. A day or so ago, I finished a pair of “baby, open-toe sandals”…just click on it to go to the crochet patten, thanks Chrystal! These are definitely the tiniest little shoes I've ever made, in fact, the only shoes I've ever made! You can fit both of these little sandals in the palm of your hand...itty bitty!
I must tell you also, these little shoes will one day be worn by a preemie baby I do not know…so pray over them with me then I'll send them on their path to be given out by the church staff when someone is in need. May His Spirit ride in the souls of these little shoes and bless the little one wearing them. May these little sandals touch the hearts of the mommy and baby to know they are Your children, Lord, and You will keep close as they travel life's path.
My Mom’s guidance down her path of expectations all those years ago during those “don’t touch” moments taught me to look to her, obey her…not in fear but in knowing she was ultimately protecting me from making mistakes, building a pattern in my little brain to know right. Her guidance then and throughout my life as she took us to and from church each week, talked with me about Jesus’ love gradually built a solid base for all of my future decisions to rest on as I started walking my own path.
My Lord’s love for me…the solid cornerstone--will not slip, slide or prove untrue...a true plumb line for hanging each of my decisions up against...causing “bad choices” to swing wide outside the path He has laid down preveniently ahead of me for the taking.
Choosing to seek Him new each day, He awakens His spirit anew, reminding me I am His little child--do not veer--listen when He is “catching my attention” or holding out that plumb line.
Recently our Sunday School class studied Paul Chilcote’s “Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit”, which has many soul-searching, John Wesley prayers as well as many of the hymns he and his brother, Charles, wrote many years ago as the Methodist Church was coming into existence. One of the hymns speaks so sweetly to this topic of “child-like faith”, from Collection 341, Verse 2:
Humble, teachable and mild,
O may I, as a little child.
My lowly Master’s steps pursue!
Be anger to my soul unknown,
Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone!
In love create thou all things new!
2 Samuel 7:11 "I'm keeping my eye on them!
And your royal throne will always be there, rock solid."
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How do you keep to His straight path?