It's been several weeks since I planted the "seeds" and I have watched over them along the way as they have developed in the rich soil...(seeds were planted on 6/18/08 ... see the difference?
Just having participated in the Beth Moore simulcast, the "seeds" were so much of the focus--and they are to be nurtured so they will "take root"...the WORD takes root and will grow in our lives like the seeds grow in the soil.
Treasure the wonder...see the new "coming" blossom...He's busy equipping my seeds into be the best blooms they can be.
Gal 3:29 Galatians 3:29
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Update: 8/6/08 FIRST FRUITS!
Here she is...
I'm not sure if there will be more, but His glory shines EVEN IN JUST ONE!