Have you ever had a vacation you were so looking forward to--planning for days on end--what to do, best places to see?
Making lists of items to take to suit the weather, packing lite enough so you are not overloaded. Sometimes spending days watching the weather seeing if storms are lurking ahead--and checking websites ensuringe no traffic jams are clogging the route getting to "Shangri-la"!
A year ago today, hubby was readying for such a trip...eagerly looking forward to this trip with "the guys".
But...while enjoying their trip in the Gulf, their boat unexpectedly sank!!

Yes, maintenance had been done but there was a loose fitting in a built-in cooler...and while pounding across rough waves and battling some wind, the loose fitting came off. Gulf of Mexico water came pouring into the base of the cabin cruiser.
So much water so quickly...they barely had time to make a "mayday call" to the coast guard.
Thankfully the call was made and within a couple of minutes, they abandoned ship as the boat went under the waves. Their buddies in another boat plucked them from the water, and they were even able to float around retrieving items popping up from out of the boat--most of their belongings were retrieved.
Most of those traveling on this trip were past Boy Scouts...and I believe that's one reason they were able to respond and handle this situation as well as they did--and through God's grace and protection.
This taught me again that sometimes unexpected things happen when we least expect it.
Are we prepared ahead of time for the unexpected? We should learn from the Boy Scouts motto: ALWAYS BE PREPARED...prepared physically by pre-thinking where and what we will be doing, what could happen, anticipate the unexpected.
Also, we should prepare ourselves spiritually, for those times when someone or something is in a time of an unexpected personal happening. We've been given His Word to help us PREPARE for those moments...so, study His Word...be PREPARED to share the hope you have and know to be the TRUTH.
1Peter 3:15-16
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
As follow-up to the top travel scenario, hubby will be going on the trip again this year. So, I'm sure they'll plan ahead, pack accordingly, and be PREPARED.
When they leave and until the time they return, we will pray for them...prayers for safe travel, for their fun together, for them to enjoy praising their God in his natural beauty of the sea; and then, of course, for their safe arrival back home, everyone healthy and everything intact.
Psalm 61:7-8
May he reign under God’s protection forever. May your unfailing love
and faithfulness watch over him. Then I will sing praises to your name forever
as I fulfill my vows each day.
What unexpected things has God seen you through lately?