there were lots of mums at his funeral in 1990, so it always reminds me of how much he loved the Fall, going to high school football games and yelling at the Falcons on the TV...he was not always timid.
(This is a micro reality it is about the same size as the end of your little pinky finger) [Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) Genus: chrysanthemum Height:18-24 in.]
Out in the front island are two angel trumpets...more than 5 blooms
Soon they will pop out to satisfy my eagerness..why am I eager?...because they are the "babies" in my floral array this summer...small as the array is, I appreciate every awakening of color as it bursts out to meet its new home.
Each time I will be looking on these two plants I will think of my dear accountability sister who kindly shared the plants with, their names are Dorothy.
this is the prettiest bloom I've ever seen on it!
Can you believe I was able to capture it in a portrait so I can return and enjoy it again and again throughout the upcoming winter!
[Gardenia jasminoides...or miniature Gardenia or Cape Jasmine; an evergreen shrub; height & spread, 2 to 6 feet.]
I recently propogated a few branches of this bush for my Mother--she so enjoyed its crisply-sweet smell this past summer when she visited.
The blossom itself reminds me of the STAR of DAVID (5 points; such a sweet smell in the center)...just like Jesus is the SWEETEST SMELL of the line of DAVID! So, I think I'll name this one JESSEE...the line of Jessee!
Thank you, Lord:
for giving me such a beautiful covering of your creation to see,
to smell, to enjoy, to share with my blogging friends and neighbors.
Again, our prayers ask you to especially cover the Texas coast
as they are enduring Hurricane Ike...
put a hedge of protection around them.