Thursday, September 18, 2008


Have you ever PRACTICED
"lectio divina"?

(pronounced lex-ee-oh dih-vee-nuh)

I find this to be a wonderful way to center into prayer time and "hear" differently...

(instructional words from Daily Reflections, November 6, 2006), )

A Latin phrase literally translated as "divine reading", it refers to the reading of sacred scriptures as practiced by the early Christian fathers and mothers. It is NOT a Bible study and involves NEITHER an analysis of a scripture passage NOR an emphasis on text information.

Lord, send your spirit to those seeking you in prayer,
listening for your special voice in their lives.
May practicing Lectio Divina grow
their prayer relationship with you
in ways they never expected.

CIELO from "House In The Roses" is the Hostess of Hopeful Friday. Please visit her blog to not only read what she has posted for today...but to visit the blogs of everyone participating today.