I've filled in the blanks with red lettering...

...and joining Melissa, seeing the beautiful life in simplicity
1. If we had no winter... the southern mosquitoes would never die, grow extremely large, pick us up and carry each of us away to an unknown wetland .
2. When I go to the planetarium and gaze at the constellations in the evening skies, I find myself in perpetual astonishment.

3. If I had my life to live over I would spend more time talking with my Daddy, letting him know I "did" need to listen to his opinion and experience.
4. Sitting at the Lord's feet daily seeing His myriad of colors and smelling His
5. If you've never been thrilled
by squirrels playing in a tree or kitties chasing a bug, then come sit with me in the backyard.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons reminds me of God's providence in the past, present and future.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing a graduation project, tomorrow my plans include planting two new angel trumpet bushes I was given and Sunday, I want to get a nap in before working with the youth group!