I have a couple in my life at this particular time...
Each for a very different reason
Each are my "NOW" heroes.
The first is a family member serving overseas NOW.
My stomach gets in knots pondering what or who he may be enduring today...
I can't imagine his mother's feelings.
When a family member is serving, your views become much more tender.

His second tour came quickly (seems like yesterday he explained how he had closed his head wound with super glue to continue his mission).
He's my NOW hero for serving our country,
and fighting for oppressed peoples' freedom.
...living bravely his NOW.
My second "NOW" hero is our 2 1/2yo great niece...
enduring many heart surgeries in her brief time on this earth.
There some times are bad days, physically
yet she'll still have a smile on her face when you enter the room.

She has a love of life, people and time that is so "IN-THE-MOMENT"
God talks to us through her as she walks her tender life road in her NOW.
Dear Jesus,
Make yourself known in a powerful way while he is serving our Nation's cause through his dedication and convictions.
Keep him safe in his goings and comings, as well as his decisions.
Let him feel the comfort of our prayers and Your Holy Spirit holding him.
Continue to preveniently walk ahead of my niece and her family.
Grow her little body and her mind to KNOW the plans you have for her.
May she be a witness to what You have done in her life.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone.
I pray you have some NOW heroes in your life, too.
p.s. if you're looking for a giveaway:
She'll be drawing on Wednesday, May 27, in honor of Parker's 10th birthday!
10 winners with some great prizes
For every comment left in the month of May, your name will be included in the drawing. The 10th person drawn receives the GRAND PRIZE (box of Disney goodies).
Anyone sharing about the giveaway on their blog will get their name entered 10 EXTRA times.
Be sure and leave Grammy a comment letting her know you mentioned the giveaway.