AFTER MICRO DUSTING AND VACUUMING ALL THE SURFACES TODAY,I was STRUGGLING WITH 'Finding the Beauty' in the chores I do mechanically.

CHORES THAT SEEM trivial, unrewarding, tedious, dirty, and disagreeable...do they make you feed that way?
But, here are some valuable lessons correlating with the spiritual side of my life:
Top To Bottom...Mother taught me to clean a room from the top down (ceiling or the top of whatever surface to the bottom...surfaces should be touched only once; drips can be cleaned once; dusting won't have to be re-done).
You know, THIS ALSO APPLIES TO me WITH CLEANING my SPIRITUAL BODY...wash out those bad-influenced sights/thoughts with the Word of the Lord, starting in the brain...let His Words sink into my synapses...then they can be stored and pondered in my heart.
Secondly...dry cleaning/dusting with a cloth are done before changing to wet cleaning.
Oh, my mind may have cobwebs stubbornly hanging on...then the Holy Spirit convicts my heart, the cleansing tears begin to flow and I can wipe away some of the issues with tissues.
Finally, after my cleaning is completed, I must put my supplies away (where I can quickly retrieve them).
Bible study tools should also be kept ready for my next needy time...for the next SPEED-clean of an attitude, for helping calm a friend, or to help find words for a special prayer request.
His Word cleanses LIKE NO OTHER. I'll try to continue to find the beauty in my housework...even on those days they feel trivial and unrewarding...my mind will be in a better place while I'm 'doing for me and my family'.
What about you?
Ezekiel 44:10
"...From now on they'll do only the menial work in the Sanctuary: guard the gates and help out with the Temple chores..."