I'm going to try and do better this year.
However, I'm starting a week behind because I left my camera at BS&K's on Friday :/
Oh, well...maybe you won't mind...I thought you'd enjoy the pictures anyway :)
We enjoyed our trip to Carolina Beach for an entire week...wow! I love the beach in cold weather...I was finally cool and not sweltering. Here's our first sunset of the week...from the back balcony over the inter-coastal waterway...

We went shopping and none of the KIDS would sit on Santa's lap for my photo op...so I did it myself. He was nice and kind to this old woman :)
If you've never visited Wilmington, NC's Cotton Exchange...you must go there sometime because there is SO much to do, shops, eateries, museums, and across the way is one of the battleship tours.
I was pretty proud of catching this guy guarding the battleship...he never moved and didn't give me any lip about having HIS picture made
My sister-in-law had arranged our accommodations and had decorated the 4-story condo (which had an elevator for my mother in law)...our colors were lime green and turquoise...so we called it our Dr. Seuss vacation...such fun.
Walks on the beach were surrounded in brisk winds and the waters were choppy but it made for GREAT pics...this little guy was very busy catching his dinner.
These pelicans were not scared at all with the surfers so close by...they went about their scooping up little fishies just feet away from the wet-suited guys we watched.
The surfer dudes caught many GOOD waves with the sea being so choppy... I can't imagine how cold that water was...
it was 38* on the shore with 10-12 mph wind gusts...BBBBRRRR!
MY charlie-horse bit me in my calf again while walking on the beach, so hubs and sister-in-law walked on while I took pictures...I snapped this just before sunset
CHRISTMAS MORNING brought calmer seas but a gorgeous sunrise...it was freezing outside and this is from behind the sea-salt riddled sliding glass door :)
I believe this is pyracantha in the back with the red berries...and then a cactus in front...doncha just love the purple blooms on the cactus?
I'll post some New Year's pictures when I get my camera back :)
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."