t's here!
Give Away Saturday ...sponsored at Kae's "Tales from an OC Cottage"...
Go over and see the other items...
"Kae" said to l
eave a comment on her post until midnight{pacific time}
March 13th...with the
winner being announced March 14th, so I'll do the same.
Wanting to chip in a giveaway myself, I've decided to put this "up on the block"...
A cute little vintage-type apron I purchased at the thrift store recently...took a close-up so you could see the detailed pattern on the material as well as the little side buttons.
(The second picture is the correct color, a darker blue...the flash really washed it out IN THE FIRST SHOT). I liked it because it is a nice, light weight for a Spring/Summer apron.
We can add our giveaways to her blog anytime this week.
I've already added her button to my blog. Won't you??