I confess
I confess
my concern wondering 'how much’ time was spent in the makeup chair to get this look? Somehow this DOESN’T entice me to eat more pudding. I know it's supposed to be funny but it looks so painful...I don't relate that to creamy, yummy pudding.
I confess
to being from the ‘"Bill’" era … sweet, simple advertising with a ‘real’ smile
I confess
scary faces are needed to enhance characters in a good movie role…like Batman. Heath Ledger was such a handsome man and he did a great job in this role.
I confess
this face makes me FORGET about pudding altogether for some reason...God's hand is miraculous at providing simple pleasures in His people.

Job 22:26 "Surely then you will find delight in the Almighty and will lift up your face to God."
Come on over and join in on the ‘confessional’ fun