Wanting something new to do today during my blogging time, I ran across the above meme over at Holly's decor8...
it involves posting a picture of yourself in stripes on your blog
then Holly and her friend, Igor, are putting together a 'pinterest' board of the pics from all the bloggers...it is beginning to make a pretty neat collage.
The FIRST pic I found of myself in a striped shirt was from senior PROM evening 2010...babygirl's last high school prom.
She is standing beside me while I was using another girl's camera to catch a shot of her...the girl's mom held my camera for me and decided to get a shot of babygirl and me! What a great time they had that night.
Come along with us...show us your stripes.
Genesis 30:37 "Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches."