Joining Sara and group again as we share some of this past week’s happenings.
5/30/2011: I had half a tomato leftover as well as avocados I needed to use…
5/31/2011: Going thru older photos for ‘graduation’ remembrances for friends…my girl @ 3, Mom’s 36 in this shot
I kept hearing something tapping on my front door…my original video was longer but I couldn't get it to upload correctly.
5/30/2011….Here’s how their labor paid off…their soon-to-be-home…
5/30/2011: another graduation of close friends…
6/1/2011: Took a large load to Goodwill; many books, vacuum, clothing, wall art…don’t think I need this pregnancy book any longer!
6/4/2011: my lunch was leftover twice-baked potato w/ bacon, avocado & tomato
What fun things do you want to share with us? Leave me a note or a link…