I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26
Rolling down hallway...It's stuck...doorways/ceiling tiles speeding by...It's stuck, it's stuck...a struggling boy or girl? Hearts pounding...putting on scrubs. HHHHMMMMMM, Neil Diamond's voice wafting...gurney rolling...double doors, stopping...large, round lights..."Shucks, where did Neil go?"
Pain subsiding...by my head...calming...blue mask, wiping fearful, eagerness tears...our "miracle baby"..."Out of Africa" soundtrack playing...
God preveniently going before..."New Daddy" snapping pictures...wiping my face...a velvety cheek against my lips....wisking away to tests...New Daddy wiping "thankful I'm-a-Mommy" tears...his blue mask becoming damp from "Im-a-Daddy" tears.
Long ago...yet close
MY miracle baby...STILL my baby...now taller than me
MY miracle baby...STILL my baby...now taller than me
That night we met...
God already knew...
"determined the exact time"
knows every head hair...every heart's desire
He watches--when we can't
Again? Yes, even if they did turn off Neil! : )