Sweet Sandy
Always sharing your big smile and happy cheeks
Always swinging your strawberry blonde hair
Sweet, sharing, swinging Sandy
Always pushing your glasses up your nose
Always telling a good joke and trying to say, “ya’ll” with a southern drawl
Always sharing “Minnesota lodge, 12-foot snow stories” with us “Southern Belles”
Sweet, laughing, sharing Sandy
Always brutally honest in work and deed
Always appreciating a good day’s work
Always helping if something came up with a shift change
Sweet, honest, helping Sandy
Always loved telling us about family and things she did with them
Always energetic and eager to do for those less fortunate
Sweet, energetic, compassionate Sandy
Always smiling about her beloved, beloved Mike…with everything she had
Always will be remembered as one of those workmates that really was “family”
Sweet, smiling, loving, my forever-friend, Sandy
Always sharing your big smile and happy cheeks
Always swinging your strawberry blonde hair
Sweet, sharing, swinging Sandy
Always pushing your glasses up your nose
Always telling a good joke and trying to say, “ya’ll” with a southern drawl
Always sharing “Minnesota lodge, 12-foot snow stories” with us “Southern Belles”
Sweet, laughing, sharing Sandy
Always brutally honest in work and deed
Always appreciating a good day’s work
Always helping if something came up with a shift change
Sweet, honest, helping Sandy
Always loved telling us about family and things she did with them
Always energetic and eager to do for those less fortunate
Sweet, energetic, compassionate Sandy
Always smiling about her beloved, beloved Mike…with everything she had
Always will be remembered as one of those workmates that really was “family”
Sweet, smiling, loving, my forever-friend, Sandy