"Let not a man be in an high place", and pray;
but in a low place and pray; as it is said, "Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord." Psalm 130:1
The Jews following their law again--what about those times when they needed to pray and were on a high place? Would they not interact with God just because they were on a high place? Maybe this was another subtle way for Gentiles to know Christ knew his place--and, it was where He most intimately met His Father, sometimes all night.
"One day soon afterward Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night." Luke 6:12
Confirmation--what happened on the mountain: “We heard that voice from heaven while we were with Jesus on the holy mountain.”2Peter 1:18
Quiet time with Jesus= imperative! He gives rest, rejuvenation...listens to confessions, gives guidance, yet listening must be part of it, too.
When and where is your “high, quiet place” with Jesus?