Imagine this: watching your orthopedist “signing” your arm with an ink pen while asking again, “left shoulder?” Many times we answered the same question…made me a little paranoid they had “done the wrong one” in the past. Just prior to the doctor’s review, “Carrie-with-no-name-tag” had shown us the new sling for post surgery followed by lots 'n lots of RULES!

It was “ambulatory surgery”…so they made him GIT UP and WALK to surgery. (kinda reminded me of the moment Jesus told the paralytic to GIT UP and WALK!) I watched hubby walk away with his 2 bags, 1 clothing and 1 IV--following the nurses in his "designer gown" to the operating room.
Surgery went well--PT has been scheduled for Wednesday 8am uuuuugggghhhh! Thank you, Jesus for pain meds. When I got to see him in recovery, he was nodding in/out eating peanut-butter-cheese crackers and drinking water…meds had him so relaxed he forgot he was chewing and sprayed tiny orange crumbs all over his new black sling. I was scared he was gonna start chewing his tongue.
Slept all the way home except when he would startle awake asking again what time it was...probably the 10th or 11th time. Once home, he wanted to stay in the car!
Greatly enjoyed and was so thankful for JH making dinner(chicken casserole, corn, fruit medley, chocolate-frosted sheet cake, YUMMMMM!).
Recuperating slowly...Thanks for all your prayers, everybody!

It was “ambulatory surgery”…so they made him GIT UP and WALK to surgery. (kinda reminded me of the moment Jesus told the paralytic to GIT UP and WALK!) I watched hubby walk away with his 2 bags, 1 clothing and 1 IV--following the nurses in his "designer gown" to the operating room.
Surgery went well--PT has been scheduled for Wednesday 8am uuuuugggghhhh! Thank you, Jesus for pain meds. When I got to see him in recovery, he was nodding in/out eating peanut-butter-cheese crackers and drinking water…meds had him so relaxed he forgot he was chewing and sprayed tiny orange crumbs all over his new black sling. I was scared he was gonna start chewing his tongue.
Slept all the way home except when he would startle awake asking again what time it was...probably the 10th or 11th time. Once home, he wanted to stay in the car!
Greatly enjoyed and was so thankful for JH making dinner(chicken casserole, corn, fruit medley, chocolate-frosted sheet cake, YUMMMMM!).
Recuperating slowly...Thanks for all your prayers, everybody!