Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The marketing world THRIVES on voluminous change, every year, month, day and sometimes down to the minute...what's new, what's the latest 'gossip'...and sports doesn't fall far behind.

Sports being so 'fan' driven and 'sponsor' driven puts much light on things that sometimes should have NO light.

In regards to being a big sports fan, I am one, kinda. Kinda like I am a music fan, crossing many of the the lines and know a little about A LOT:

like me some college SEC football,

like me some professional baseball (even keeps stats on pre-printed scorer's cards for FUN)

like me some pro tennis (until someone
puts their foot in their mouth and makes the game a momentary embarrassment)

like me LOTS of music types (classical to country, back across
contemporary christian and all the way to bluegrass)...but I surely cringe at
outbursts by 'cool' types...the music varieties intrigue me, I listen to lots of them.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving me a 'like' for MANY things...

but only a LOVE for Your Word, Your presence,

the family You've given me

and a loving Christian family to corporately worship with as I walk this life.

I must limit myself though...being intentional to step away because I could find myself getting too deeply entrenched in any of the "seasons", "celebrities" or gossip.

When it gets crazy or ugly, shouldn't I TURN "it" OFF? Maybe I'll crochet.

WHAT do you do when your sports shows, movies or TV become offensive or derogatory?

What does Christ call us TO DO?


Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."