Good causes sometimes cause me to step outside my comfort zones. WHAT ABOUT YOU?
My "comfortable zones", especially the zones involving 'sporting activities', have been rather limited for quite some time now. (For a short while I was a gymnast in high was a love of my life until the fateful day I endured a neck slam and ended my acrobatic endeavors.)
I was also a drum major my junior and senior years of high school, which required a lot of physical agility...I even got to use some of my gymnastics moves in my "salutes" at the beginning of each half time show and in parades; however, I always felt a 'hole' where sports were concerned.
After 'Chuckles' and I married I wanted to 'enjoy sporting' with him, so I bought some used golf clubs even though I had never taken a lesson in my life. I had followed golf with my Daddy and understand the lingo and how to keep score. Once I had my clubs and could practice at the ranges, I found myself hacking away on some par 3 courses. (Even dd got in on it as she got older...her softball swing quickly adjusted to the golf ball and her drives often flew past my ball out around the 125-yard marker...and down the straight aways. Usually my ball was rather lonely on the periphery of the rough grass on either side of the fairway or in the woods, or in a pond...rarely dropping in the middle of the fairway.)
My shots were the most-lacking of our threesome each time we played, but I thoroughly enjoyed the sounds of the clubs slicing through the air and pinging that small, little ball. I also enjoyed all the sights on the course itself...the trees, birds, beautifully-trimmed greens and large ponds with the pine trees and tall oaks along the paths gave me more than the round of golf. All the courses around here are so pretty, I just loved being on them.
Well.....tomorrow...I have signed up for a tournament...ha ha! (That sounds so official...doesn't it?!)
I'll be joining a wonderful three-some of ladies for a round of golf, some putting competitions, and some raffles...the proceeds all going to help support someone here in our community who greatly needs our help.
Pray for this tournament to be a success and that we get our round is raining now, we are expecting a 60-75% chance of rain throughout the night, and about a 40% chance at tee time. (it has been raining here for the last, we'll be 'sinking' as we dig our golf cleats in to hit our drives. Soggy footies don't sound so enticing to me, so "Pray hard, you guys, I don't want wet feet!"
It will be worth it for this cause. It will be worth it for the cause...It will be worth it for the cause.
I'll try to get some pictures of whatever we end up doing, where ever we end up hitting our little balls...yes, I'll be aiming at those 18 little holes and hopefully I can at least get a few 'closest to the pin' shots.
It should be fun no matter where my ball lands, I'll have great team members to share this day with in the rain
**9/18 UPDATE**
Your prayers were heard...IT DID NOT RAIN ON US...AT ALL! IT had rained before we got there, but I never felt a single drop even though the clouds were looming in the low 70's temperatures. We successfully shot 11 holes and were exhausted as we sat eating lunch (BLIMPIE graciously had provided sub sandwiches for us!).
There is hope after about four years without having played golf. I'm ecstatic to say, I got my FIRST-EVER BIRDIE...(which means, on a hole that should take four shots to get the ball into the hole, I successfully got it in on three shots, WOO HOO!!!)...I got a high five and DID THE HAPPY DANCE :) (I have to write this down so I won't forget it: a long drive, about 130 yards; then a short drive with a #5 iron, and then about a 40-foot putt!)
We played a best-shot scramble and it was lots of fun...I was really excited to hit three or four really long drives that went at least 140 yards and the sounds of the ball coming off the club were awesomely pleasing to my ears. This certainly makes me want to keep my clubs out and enjoy a few rounds as the wonderful FALL weather is heading our way...(after my blisters heal, that is, not having worn my golf shoes in so long caused my tootsies three heel blisters...I ended the last two holes wearing my daughter's Georgia Bulldog flip flops....(...please don't leave me a correction...I know the X-generations calls them thongs but I can't bring myself to address them as something reminding me of other 'unsightly undergarments', I whole heartedly claim my old-fogey status and will continue to say 'flip flops').
Anybody want to play?
Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."