Side NOTE: Just spreading the love…along with BS&K...go over to Kim’s blog Just a Southern Girl she is having a giveaway to celebrate her 2nd blogoversary, her 500th post and 25,000 visitor. WE LOVE her blog --you will too...go over and check her out!!!
Joining Sarah for Project 365...even though mine's not relative to the entire week...it's an event I don't want to forget :)
We've already been to:
- UNC(maybe)
- Duke(absolutely not, they like themselves ALOT)
- Wake Forest(liked it)
- Elon(no, go, too small)
- University of Alabama(loved it, long drive)
- Vanderbilt University (AWESOME PreVU!)
- ...our last will be UGA (woof!)...
As Sassy Granny reminded me today, getting ready for college brings on many "woes" blending into my "goes" for dd heading to college.
I hurt knowing it will never be the same...but, God gives me wonderful hopes and visions of where He'll take her.
My Granny reminds me from Heaven, Jesus NEVER leaves us as long as we don't turn our backs on Him.
So, from now until we reach graduation next Spring...I'll follow the example of my praying Granny who prayed for me after high school...I'll be persistently praying for her to recognize Jesus on her shoulder and in her heart while she's learning her way through college and the rest of her life.
Click on the video below...(then click on the bottom right corner that says GoogleView and choose ORIGINAL SIZE) for best view

Go to Sarah's and join in with us...
Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."