Recently my blogging words have been very hard to come by...I'm going through a "desert time".
My 'wanting to write' seems to have fallen off the edge of the earth, don't know why. I've been bouncing around reading posts and leaving some messages hoping some fires start again, but so far it's a big, fat NOTHING. Enough of my moaning...I need your help in ANOTHER much more URGENT.
Please be in prayer for my dear, young friend, Erin, who is STRUGGLING and HURTING through the process of growing new bone marrow while fighting off Leukemia

She's had an absolutely horrible week with all the complications of losing her white blood cells. (Thankfully these are known side effects of the treatment, but unfortunately there is NO way around them and she is in the midst of suffering).
So, in her weakness WE AS A BODY OF BELIEVERS can hold her up during this valley of her treatment. We must hold her UP, like Aaron helped hold up Moses' arms in battle.
Dear Prayer Warriors, Erin did not sleep last night...she couldn't get comfortable...she's really having a hard time with an inflammed liver....pray hard for relief!! God has brought her through so much already...He can get her through this too. "...she hurts nonstop. Only the Great Physician knows what to do here...we need Him to nudge the Drs.
Thanks for keeping her in your prayers as she takes baby steps toward her renewed body.
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Blessings,