Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009
PROJECT 365(WK 13)...STILL CELEBRATIN'!..Calamity Kim's Giveaways

Celebrating her apron being published in the new "Apronology Magazine" and her overall love of aprons, Calamity Kim decided to do a GIVEAWAY! The rules are simple:
Post a link on your Blog if you have one (or Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, or any of your message boards) about her giveaway, go back to her site, leave a comment and tell her your link.

and Sarah for more Project 365!
Saturday, March 28, 2009

I haven't bought anything pink in a while...until I saw this at a local thrift store and I HAD to have it. It has markings on the bottom which I will one day look up on the net to find out more about its originations, but for today, it will stand alone in its "prettiness"...

1 Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.
Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Stage Presence" & ABCs of the Word...

Last night I heard ADAM LAMBERT
Did you get a chance to hear his rendition of "The Tracks of My Tears" on American Idol last night? I remember the original version written and sung by Smokey Robinson ...we'll not mention just how long ago that was, ok? "Outside I'm masquerading/Inside, my hope is fading"...wafting through the airwaves falling softly on my ears...in a whole new way...his re-make gave this song a "new life".
Were you as surprised as I was by this performance and appearance tonight?! ... Previously, he has mainly shown his "rockin' " prowess, edgy hairstyle and black-painted fingernails.

Last night I was 12 again...kinda swooning-- the way I once did when Donny or David Cassidy would sing their solos!

One word is too small to convey this young man's GOD-given ABILITY to CANTILLATE, CROON, or ROCK OUT. Whatever word you use, it's apparent he's worked hard and fine-tuned an "AMAZING" gift... in his voice & stage presence...
Each of us can often change, too...like shifting shadows. We can manipulate our appearances, our demeanor, our commitment levels even.
Unfortunately there are manipulations, deceptions all around us....especially on television...fooling the world.
But, our Lord does not change...does not shift...He is the rock, He is steady, He is creator, provider of every good and fruitful thing!
He knows our "real" hearts, our "true" intentions, and recognizes us even when we think we've "fooled the world".
Lord, Help us each recognize what You do in our lives;
Give us Your steadfastness to do Our Father's Will.
Give us the "stage presence" to stand up for Your truth as we "take each curtain call"...
seeking Your face in everything we do...
using our Hands and Feet to praise You and work for God's kingdom!
Amen & Amen...Let it be so!!
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My THREE involves MY GRANNY...My Granny, whose pictures now have a special spot on my mantle...a small, little area holding very dear memories and wanting to know each person IN each picture.
In the front is my granny, who birthed 7 children, all but one was birthed in her home with no anesthesia, wow! She passed into Glory in 1995 and I still long to sit at her feet again. Wisdom doesn't seem a strong enough word when trying to describe her preciousness to me.
Memories of baking teacakes, shucking corn and shelling peas... drying apple slices for friend apple pies...singing gospel songs with Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty.
She was ALWAYS talking to Jesus...whispering her prayers throughout the house as she did her chores...picking up crumbs off the table with her ring finger... as she sipped her coffee from her cup (which always sat in a saucer)....living alone for 32 years after my grandaddy (Buddy) died at 53yo...directing the church choir when she was 85yo...yep, what a blessing to love my strong grandmother...she would have been 99yo this May.
Pawpaw is on the right with the two little girls, my cousin and my sister...I was 2 when he passed...wish I could have known him so I could have heard for myself his stories of practical jokes he played on his guy friends...I heard one involved chocolate Exlax! hhhhmmmm
The large crowd sitting to the left is my Granny's legacy...My grandmother's mother is the teen girl sitting at the far right with the little flower corsage on her blouse and her hair done in a back-combed pompadour (I've always wondered if this was a family shot after her "graduation" in1902 ...my granny was born to her in 1910). Granny's mother died after her son's birth when Granny was 10...and Granny raised him.
This is the one who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.
Monday, March 23, 2009
ABCs of the DAY! !
A, age: 50, Jub-i-leeeeeee!
B, burger of choice: blue cheese crumbles with crisp onion straws on top, no catsup on mine
C, car driven: red SUV, Chrysler Pacifica
D, dog's name(s): past: Shorty (lab mix), Smokey (beagle/shepherd), Murphy, (peek-a-poo)

E, essential item used daily: microwave
F, favorite television show: NCIS (anybody else have a crush on Mark Harmon?)
G, favorite game: Word Path of Facebook (think I'm addicted)
H, hometown: Doraville, GA
I, instruments played: trumpet, piano, flute, recorder (rusty in all)
J, favorite juice: Tropicana Pure Premium Pure Raspberry Acai
K, like to kick: my backside--when I don’t exercise
L, last restaurant you dined at: Hidalgo’s Mexican Restaurant, taco salad
M, muppet of choice: Beaker, makes me laugh, great hair while “meeping”
N, number of piercings: 2, one each ear and no tats

P, people with today: girlfriend, Be Still and Know
Q, quiet times spent doing: blogging, coffee, crocheting cancer baby bonnets
R, regrets?: gaining back my previous weight loss—(here I go again)!
S, status: Marital? Married; Ascribed? “the baby” of two daughters; Income? retired telecom network mgr.
U, unique gifts, God-given/-received: encouragement/wonderful Christian girlfriends
V, favorite vegetable: asparagus, especially; close 2nd, orange and yellow bell peppers (eat 'em like apples, can't get enough)
W, worst habit: wanting to FIX everything; should LISTEN better
X, last x-rays: teeth
Y, yummy food eaten today: home-made grilled chicken/veggie salad ...(w/ BeStill&Know after working out together)!

Z, zoo animal adored: otters…so adorable and resourceful (did you know they like to pray too?!
What did you enjoy this wonderful, 1st-weekend-of-Spring?!
What are your or your kidz' ABCs today?
Friday, March 20, 2009
JUNIOR-SENIOR PROM Excitement & Ultimate Blog Party...
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From Drop Box |
2 John 1:8 And be very careful around them so you don't lose out on what we've worked so diligently in together; I want you to get every reward you have coming to you. Anyone who gets so progressive in his thinking that he walks out on the teaching of Christ, walks out on God. But whoever stays with the teaching, stays faithful to both the Father and the Son.
What prom experiences do you remember?
(side note#1: if you haven't checked out the Women's Conference coming up in April, click on the top right widget...I'm hoping to win a ticket...you could too! Go check it out...)
(sidenote #2: Increase your readership and have fun reading lots of new blogs @ 5 Minutes for Mom...hosting the Ultimate Blog Party...there are some great prizes!! My wish is to win one of the following prizes...
58 KitchenAid Stand Mixer
19 & 21, Target gift certificates
88 Carrabba's gift card
...go check it out!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tonight for dinner I've thrown together one of my concoctions that I hope will taste good and get a "thumbs up" from DD and DH. My ham stock soup was originally very tasty--it had warmed the cockles of my b

2 cups of soup
1 1/4 cups of ricotta cheese(skim)
1 cup of cheddar cheese/reduced fat
3 egg whites and 2 eggs
1 tbsp freeze-dried onions
Parmesan cheese, to sprinkle
Prepared pie crust
It all went in my large pottery plate and got sprinkled with Parmesan cheese when it went into my 375* preheated oven, for probably 45-60 minutes...'til the eggs were set.
Pray with me it comes out tasty, too!
Speaking of leftovers and concerns for not wasting things, this re-use of my previous entree reminded me of the importance of not WASTING opportunities to mix our lives with others and share what Jesus has done...not by standing on the street corner or going door to door with pamphlets. I mean in every-day discussions with our children, with friends, with spouses...when things are bumpy or uncomfortable or when we know in our hearts something needs touching in a special way.
Someone may think their problems are LEFTOVERS to only get thrown away.
Listen to your head AND your heart...step into the unknown pot and say, "You know, something like this happened to me when...". Your personal spice of experience and your showing REAL concern may open their lives to a new RECIPE of Jesus' love...in a bread-of-life kind of way! When Jesus is not brought specifically into a discussion, it could turn into a "throw away" moment of blessings for both of you.
In Bible class today we talked about Jesus' example of how He REALLY reached people...not through criticism and judgment, but by being WITH the people in need...rubbing elbows with them in REAL situations and listening to their needs. He was the living water that flowed over many as He shared what God had done for Him, would be doing for Him and what He wanted Jesus to share and DO for ALL of us.
WHERE HAVE YOU HAD A REAL ENCOUNTER WITH SOMEONE AND SHARED WHAT JESUS HAS DONE OR CAN DO, helping to reduce the "leftover" souls (HE chose to die for ALL of us 2,000 years ago)?
James 3:17 Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.
update: from stockpot to pie pan!
Here's the outcome...it needed a little more spicing up, so next time I will add more spices when converting.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
PROJECT 365...Week 11(kinda)

My picture is not from this week, but it is a memory with a large group of very-special Christian women who mean the world to me in my every-day living.

The women older in body (but still very young in spirit) are the cherished "Women of Great Wisdom"...they complete my "thinking back" on this wonderful weekend of sharing.
So, while I am HERE, before the Eternal, I am to be working as if for the Lord, Himself. How can I make my existence count...How can you make your existence count??
Pray this with me..."Lord, may we show our love for You in everything we do...every situation, every where, in every relation of life!"
How are you working for the Lord today?
Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'VE NEVER PUT MY DD ON AN AIRPLANE WITHOUT ME...THAT IS--UNTIL RECENTLY. (I was being pushed out of my comfort zone...yet again!)
YES, THERE WERE ADULTS CHAPERONING...(but they were not ME. I wanted to go and be THERE--I cried out in my heart and he answered..."Teach her to be on her own little by little; with other supervision, not your supervision").
THERE WOULD BE LOTS OF FUN (AND SINGING) ON THEIR TIMELINE IN THE "CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS"...(which really wasn't a concern b/c she's a big sleeper and very demonstrative about being quiet so she can sleep).
MY MOM'S LIST EARLIER IN THE WEEK HAD BEEN CLICKING ON AND OFF IN MY HEAD AS I CHECKED AND RE-CHECKED HER "TAKING" LIST. THE NIGHT BEFORE SHE LEFT I FILLED THE AIR WITH MY " WELL, WHAT IF..., AND WHAT IF, AND ...OK, HOW ABOUT..." THOSE PHRASES ROLLED OFF MY TONGUE (b/c my tongue could run, as J. K. Rowling said, "could run faster than SEVERUS SNAPE confronted with shampoo!") "MOM, I'VE GOT EVERYTHING I NEED...I THINK." (it's the "I THINK" whirling around in my head once she was gone that bothered me...I prayed she hadn't left something important.)
YES, NOT BEING ONE OF THE CHAPERONES MADE LETTING GO HARDER FOR ME (not her though, she loved claiming independence without my being by her side...He whispered, "Yes, little by little, that was good". Immediately I had moaned, "But I want to be theeeeeerrrre, with her". [could you see me trying to stomp my foot as I swayed from side to side?]).
DD WAS SO DUTIFUL AND CARING...SHE TEXTED A MESSAGE ONCE LANDED AT LAGUARDIA...(and I hadn't even reminded her to do so! : ) : ) which was a 2-smiler for me!] )
HE ANSWERED WHEN I CALLED, SHOWING UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS IN MY LIFE (I got wonderful joy seeing the look on her face as she eagerly repeated "I'm really going to New York!", while clapping her hands and bouncing up and down in the uncomfortable chair of the airport atrium. Her excitement and expectancy of a great trip and new sights were contagious and made me giggle with her...but, I wasn't as cute bouncing up and down in my chair! I know, sorry for the visual)
LIKE I MENTIONED EARLIER, THIS WAS ANOTHER COMFORT ZONE "STRETCHED". ONE STRETCHED LIKE A SWIMMING CAP (a little uncomfortable in the beginning but serving a purpose... as He provided for and protected me). LITTLE BY LITTLE, HER WORLD OF UNDERSTANDING WAS STRETCHED AND EXPANDED DURING THE TRIP(maybe a little uncomfortable for her at the beginning but serving a purpose as He protected her along the way).
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Monday, March 9, 2009

Easter Frills and Thrills Blog Carnival on "Becoming Me".
Side note: I didn't make them on Easter Eve because we go to early church, and I didn't want to do this at 6:30am...but if you attend later services, you might wan to make these on Easter Eve, right before bedtime for the kiddies.
Preheat the oven to 300--this is VERY important! Read the corresponding Bible passage while adding the necessary ingredients. SERVES 12
1 cup whole pecans, in plastic baggie
1 teaspoon vinegar
3 egg whites
1 pinch salt
1 cup sugar
cooking mallet
kitchen mixer
masking tape
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees--you MUST do it now.
2. Read John 19:1-3 ~ Jesus was beaten for our sins; beat the nuts with a cooking mallet; set aside.
3. Read John 19:28-30 - Jesus drank something like vinegar (gall), sniff the fragrance, dip finger in and taste, too; place the vinegar in a mixing bowl.
4. Read John 10:10-11 - Egg whites symbolize Jesus' holy, innocent life; add whites to the bowl with the vinegar.
5. Read Luke 23:27 - the bitter tears of the women; taste a few grains, remember your own sins; add the salt to the bowl.
6. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16 - Sweet salvation! Taste and see; add to the bowl.
7. Crank up the mixer and let it go while you read from Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3; let the mixer go for about 12-15 MINUTES; this needs to be VERY stiff!
8. Read Matthew 27:57-60 - Fold the nuts into the egg-sugar mixture; this symbolizes the rocks in the garden.
9. Using a scoop or knife & spoon, drop by spoon into mounds (to resemble a rocky tomb); put into the oven and turn it OFF!
10. Read Matthew 27:65-66 – the tomb is sealed; use two pieces of tape
(5-6 inches each). Seal the door edges with the tape.
11. Read John 16:20 & 22 - Consider these passages, then go to bed!
12. NEXT MORNING: Read Matthew 28:1-9 - Jesus is risen! Behold--the empty tomb! Unseal the oven door, take out the cookies, break or bite one in half -- it should be hollow inside---empty---just like the Tomb!
13. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Hope you have as fun a time making them as we did...it's a great way to share Jesus and his journey with your child. Leave me a message with your thoughts and/or your encounters with "the tomb".
And he said to them, "Do not be amazed; you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who has been crucified He has risen; He is not here; behold, here is the place where they laid Him.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What to do, what to do. Oh, I remember seeing a baking idea on the Internet—using cake mix to make brownies. Yep, I found it on the web and mixed it up quickly…1 boxed cake mix, 1/4 c. water, 1/8 c. oil, 1 egg…and into the small baking pan for 22 minutes.
While it was cooking...I’m thinking of brownies, wonderfully sweet, gooey squares of chocolate…and other things named “Brownie”…

Speaking of pictures and “brownie” things…Now I’m remembering a small, black camera called a “Brownie”. It required little, individual, pale, bluish bulbs with wiry, oblong tips which had to be put into the camera to make a flash picture…there was no such thing as a "built in" flash.
Speaking of flashes...Daddy had an 8mm movie camera (the film had to be taken to the store to be processed) and it didn't have a flash at all...there was a separate flash bar someone had to hold while the other person shot the movie. The handle was on the bottom and across the top of the bar were four large light bulbs--that monstrous thing could have been used to light up and or heat up the entire neighborhood...those bulbs were extremely hot.
We often complained about being blinded each time the switch was flipped on...this was also our que to "do something" from my Daddy.
In the 60's we didn't have the "video finesse" this generation has at the sight of a camera. We would just wave walking slowly back and forth as we sheepishly smiled--while trying not to run into anything in the way, because after a few steps, you're eyes were so blinded by the light you couldn't see where you were going! I remember using bulbs in our small "Brownie" ...having to pull them out of the camera for the next shot (they were hot and always put a pungent, smoky smell into the room!) You’d end up with a pocketful of used bulbs if you were taking several pictures.
Back to my being a brownie…I remember going to one of my first troop meetings at the “Church of Christ” and making “sitting mats”. Our leader taught us to weave folded strips of newspapers together and cover them with oil cloth—once done, we stitched the hole-punched sides together with cording. The mats gave us padded seating on the ground without getting our lovely brown uniforms wet or dirty because they were waterproof and could easily be wiped clean.
I wonder whatever happened to my mat? …to my uniform…to my beanie hat?
Or, what happened to my brownies…my real brownies…the ones I put in the over...they’re done--I’ve got to get them out of the oven!
Leave me a funny or special memory you have about brownies, girl scouts, brownie cameras, or anything named Brownie!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
HERE'S WHAT I FOUND IN MY SIXTH FOLDER...it's not a great shot, but it's the best I could get at that moment with my little zoom. My sister-in-law heard this pileated woodpecker way up in the trees... so I ran in the house and grabbed the camera. It was early in the morning...a very cold morning, February 13, to be exact. My feet were bare as I ran back onto my back deck. She found him high up in one of our white oak trees as he was busily looking for food. Sure wish I could have gotten closer...he was jumping around from limb to limb. The crest on top of his head really does remind me of one of those "Robin Hood" type felt caps.
Here is a reference picture of a pileated woodpecker and some interesting facts:

--prefers large trees for nesting
Do you have an interesting sixth picture in your sixth folder in your picture file?
Go ahead...play along...would like to see & hear what you've got!
Just leave a comment so we can come see your entry.
In this time of Lent, this seemed appropriate with this post...
Matthew 8:20
Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests,
but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snowy Night N Jawja...
Usually our snows come in from the northwest...and they usually hit our mountains in the north-end of the state first. NOT THIS TIME...I had been in the mountains earlier in the day, and all we had was rain...
- The woman in the red thermal shirt was fresh out of the car from a 2-hour trip in her SUV.
- Same woman had been at a mountain retreat for two days where makeup and hair couture were not THE priorities of the day.
- Aforementioned woman was so excited about the Winter Weather Warning and the QUICK accumulation of the white, fluffy stuff her region so rarely sees, her personal semblance was the last thing on her mind as she quickly grabbed her camera and shot the video...obviously, duh!.
- Even though narcoleptic from the previous nights' sleep, this recently travelled woman was invigorated by the falling hydration in its entirety!
- She asks you to do two things...1. forgive her unprepared demeanor and 2. enjoy her capture of this brief brush with Winter