Monday, March 2, 2009

Snowy Night N Jawja...

Usually our snows come in from the northwest...and they usually hit our mountains in the north-end of the state first. NOT THIS TIME...I had been in the mountains earlier in the day, and all we had was rain...


  • The woman in the red thermal shirt was fresh out of the car from a 2-hour trip in her SUV.
  • Same woman had been at a mountain retreat for two days where makeup and hair couture were not THE priorities of the day.
  • Aforementioned woman was so excited about the Winter Weather Warning and the QUICK accumulation of the white, fluffy stuff her region so rarely sees, her personal semblance was the last thing on her mind as she quickly grabbed her camera and shot the video...obviously, duh!.
  • Even though narcoleptic from the previous nights' sleep, this recently travelled woman was invigorated by the falling hydration in its entirety!
  • She asks you to do two things...1. forgive her unprepared demeanor and 2. enjoy her capture of this brief brush with Winter