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My picture is not from this week, but it is a memory with a large group of very-special Christian women who mean the world to me in my every-day living.
I relish with every part of me the "together time" shared on the mountain of retreat, without the normal distractions of children, husbands, jobs, household chores, and cell phones (kinda).
The younger women revive my energies with their spontaneity...their energy that permeates everything they do...I remember being that energetic and wanting to "get in" all I could every day. Back then, my days' words were "go, go, go", "see, see, see", not caring where I had to drive, or walk, so I could involve myself in the latest things (movies and shopping especially). These young ladies have a large strength of faith and understanding of grace. I was a Christian at their age...but I'm not sure I understood His grace as soon as they have. They share their love of the Lord...every day!
The women closer to my age ARE where I am or have been recently or SOON will be. Our kids are close to the same ages which churns many talks about how, when, and sometimes what are we to do.
The women older in body (but still very young in spirit) are the cherished "Women of Great Wisdom"...they complete my "thinking back" on this wonderful weekend of sharing.
So, while I am HERE, before the Eternal, I am to be working as if for the Lord, Himself. How can I make my existence count...How can you make your existence count??

A little slower?, yes...now going a little less often...however, I surely drink in the surroundings and the people where ever I am. I still love movies (but I've set more limits on what I will see now...being more intolerant of some things). I still love shopping, but my legs give out sooner and don't have the EXTRA cash to spend on myself (thoughts creep in about up-coming college payments and my hands quickly let go of that NEWEST purse I'd love to buy).
The women older in body (but still very young in spirit) are the cherished "Women of Great Wisdom"...they complete my "thinking back" on this wonderful weekend of sharing.
Their wise words, filled with God's truths and promises, taught not waste the fleeting time with the "not so important". Sweet words enticed all who heard to concentrate on treasures gained for the Eternal.
So, while I am HERE, before the Eternal, I am to be working as if for the Lord, Himself. How can I make my existence count...How can you make your existence count??
Pray this with me..."Lord, may we show our love for You in everything we do...every situation, every where, in every relation of life!"
How are you working for the Lord today?
How are you working for the Lord today?
Coloss. 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.