Celebrating her apron being published in the new "Apronology Magazine" and her overall love of aprons, Calamity Kim decided to do a GIVEAWAY! The rules are simple:
Post a link on your Blog if you have one (or Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, or any of your message boards) about her giveaway, go back to her site, leave a comment and tell her your link.

I got a surprise this week...
...an unexpected visit "so-to-speak"... ~ : D
"My Christmas Cactus had a solo bloom!"
(click on each pic to get a closer look at each picture)
(Back around Christmas it had multiple blooms and I didn't expect it to h
ave any more color until next Christmas.)
I've sure enjoyed the surprise of it...I smile at it each time I walk by and am again amazed.
This has been a celebration week with other surprises, too!
The most fun...
girl friends "snuck in"
(with our knowledge of course, but no DD's)
early one morning bearing gifts, flowers and fresh-baked cinnamon rolls...surprising DD with an acapella "Happy Birthday" rendition!! 

Teen-age love is so AWEsome to watch, hear and enjoy.
And, finally...
We're still receiving college brochures...letters...flyers...you name a new kind of media and they send it!
It has increased our "junk mail" per se 200%.
We're considering making some sight visits :)
and Sarah for more Project 365!