HERE'S WHAT I FOUND IN MY SIXTH's not a great shot, but it's the best I could get at that moment with my little zoom. My sister-in-law heard this pileated woodpecker way up in the trees... so I ran in the house and grabbed the camera. It was early in the morning...a very cold morning, February 13, to be exact. My feet were bare as I ran back onto my back deck. She found him high up in one of our white oak trees as he was busily looking for food. Sure wish I could have gotten closer...he was jumping around from limb to limb. The crest on top of his head really does remind me of one of those "Robin Hood" type felt caps.
Here is a reference picture of a pileated woodpecker and some interesting facts:

--curious what "pileated" means? pileus "felt cap without a brim"
--digs rectangular holes in trees to find ants
--will defend the territory in all seasons, but will tolerate floaters during the winter
--prefers large trees for nesting
--prefers large trees for nesting
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In this time of Lent, this seemed appropriate with this post...
Matthew 8:20
Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests,
but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."