How is your perception of the Bible changing as you are doing the daily readings? I love reading the Old Testament lessons of God's steadfastness/providence...how Joshua stepped up to his leadership after Moses died without stepping foot into the promised land.
What questions evolved from your reading this week? I didn't keep notes of my questions this last week but will work on that this week.Hang in there, I fell a little behind this week ...keep praying for me! I continue appreciating your encouragement :)
I'VE ADDED THIS WEEK'S VERSES TO MY 'TO DO LIST' IN MY SIDEBAR...COME join us on this reading adventure (*update*: I finished today's reading...yeah!...it covered Saul and Jonathan's death after battle, David's lamenting over Saul, David's being named King of Judah, later fighting the Philistines and God going before him, God confirming David's eternal lineage, David's sons becoming priests and then his sinning with Bathsheba; setting up her husband's death and then hearing God's plan for David's punishment through David & Bathsheba's son's death...it read like a current screenplay.)