THIRSTY? delve in His Holy Word, drink in His Living Water
REJECTED? abide in His Peace surpassing all understanding
EXHAUSTED? rest in His loving arms as He speaks through His Word
BOMBARDED? cuddle into the palm of His hands, rest heads on the scars of His providence
SUFFOCATING? breathe in deeply His breath of Life
SURRENDERING? persevere; He'll crown us with eternal life through his love
INACCESSIBLE? open mind and heart; He is our God, we are His people
HOPELESS? look to His new heaven/earth; our eternal, righteous home
DENYING? know the Lord's Words will be accomplished
IGNORING? know, not one of the good promises He gave us has failed
REJECTED? His marked seal is upon us...the promised Holy Spirit
WITHERING? grow on His vine, heirs with Israel, one body sharing Christ's promises
NEGLECTED? let Him renew our 'inner'; He will show on our 'outer'