Following are the weekly questions from
Even though this is my first day o f participation, I'll answer to get started:
Are you reading the Bible instead of other things in your life or in addition to other things? I'm also facilitating a Disciple III Bible study...my role in that study is facilitating the time and curriculum for the others. I have been looking for a Bible reading program and this accountability will help me greatly.
If you are struggling with your reading, are there activities you can replace with Bible reading rather than reading in addition to your current activities? What activities can you eliminate? My blogging times will have to be cut...which is good...I'm spending too much time online.
What advice can others reading with us give to those still trying to find their Bible reading rhythm? Make it one of the first things you do in the day
The verses for the week:
Monday: Deuteronomy 23:12 through Deuteronomy 34:12
Tuesday: Joshua 1:1 through Joshua 14:15
Wednesday: Joshua 15:1 through Judges 3:27
Thursday: Judges 3:28 through Judges 15:12
Friday: Judges 15:13 through 1 Samuel 2:29
Saturday: 1 Samuel 2:30 through 1 Samuel 15:35
Sunday: 1 Samuel 16:1 through 1 Samuel 28:19